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Be the Change

UEI College is committed to supporting racial equality.

We stand in solidarity with the African American community for social justice. 

Mohamed M.

Huntington Park Campus Finalist

My name is Mohamed, and coming to the United States was a dream that came true. We know this country as the land where dreams come true, hard work pays off at the end no matter how hard you try. Back home I have an architect degree and decent experience. I chose to come to California because this is the only state that allowed me to apply for a license after completing certain steps that are less complicated than other states in the US. I didn't have enough resources to go to school, so that seems like the perfect choice for me to take. Fast forward after I moved to LA, I started to educate myself about the regulation and the necessary information that is important for all architects needed in their design. I thought that if I worked hard I would have a fair chance to succeed and prove myself. I started applying to different firms, small and big businesses for two years while I kept moving from different jobs to pay my bills. But none of my applications got a response! But I wasn't going to quit at this setback. I decided to apply for a smaller position to be close to the field, so I applied to be an architect drafter, and after a few months, I landed a job which I was doing great. In less than a year, I had become the lead drafter/ designer at the office, until I learned that a new hire at the office and the other drafter I have worked with me were making almost one and half time more than I made! Knowing that I was doing most of the heavy-duty work at the office like a site visit and taking the measurement. So I requested an increase for my pay rate which I was denied on the spot and the treatment changed completely after that which led me to quit not so long after. But I wasn't going to let this put me down.


Not too long after I landed another job as a schedule coordinator and a site super, it was great and I never felt so alive to be close to see designs come to life, and this is when I decided to take an HVAC COURSE because I saw the opportunity in this field to work my way to become a contractor and have control over my time, my finances and hopefully a better chance to get my license in architecture. 3 months after I was let go due to the spread of COVID-19, and I lost my only source of income, and I didn't have the same spirit I had before this time! I got scared and worried, not just for my dreams that been put again on hold, I got scared that I might not be able to see my family back home again, I started doubting myself that I might be fighting a windmill, a fight that will never be won. I couldn't pay my bills, rent, and credit cards. I fell into a depression not knowing what's going to happen to me. I called my school management to cancel my tuition since I am not going to be able to pay” damage control”. But God had a different plan for me! They offered me all their help and gave me a different solution, they put back that spark of light that I can complete this to the end. I dedicated all my time between studying and looking for work.  Now I am working my way to get my GED and my license at the same time. I can feel again pride of my small achievements. I got my hope back!

We Are

Getting a Second


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